Vital Signs Post Test

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Select the best choice or fill in your answer

Answer TRUE or FALSE

1. Mr. Johnson has just finished a long physical therapy session. You should wait to take his vital signs because:

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2. It’s not necessary to document your client’s vital signs if they are within the normal range.

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3. You should explain to your client what you are doing before checking each vital sign except:

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4. The best way to find out if people suffer from hypertension is to check their blood pressure regularly.

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5. To check you client’s pulse, you should:

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6. Which of the following clients has one or more abnormal vital signs?

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7. When taking a client’s blood pressure, you should never pump the cuff up past 150 mmHG

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8. If Mrs. Riley’s temperature is more than 1.5 degrees higher than normal, she has a fever.

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9. Medications can cause vital signs to up or go down

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10. Most studies recommend cleaning a stethoscope with hot water.

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